API reference

class pylacus.CaptureResponse

A capture made by Lacus. With the base64 encoded image and downloaded file decoded to bytes.

class pylacus.CaptureResponseJson

A capture made by Lacus. With the base64 encoded image and downloaded file not decoded.

class pylacus.CaptureSettings

The capture settings that can be passed to Lacus.

class pylacus.CaptureStatus(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The status of the capture


class pylacus.PyLacus(root_url: str, useragent: str | None = None, *, proxies: dict[str, str] | None = None)
daily_stats(d: str | date | datetime | None = None, /, *, cardinality_only: bool = True) dict[str, Any]

Get the stats for a specific day (only the last few days are stored in lacus).


cardinality_only – If True, only return the number of entries in each list (captures, retries, failed retries), instead of the URLs.

db_status() dict[str, Any]

Gets the database status (number of keys, memory usage)

enqueue(*, settings: CaptureSettings | None = None) str
enqueue(*, url: str | None = None, document_name: str | None = None, document: str | None = None, depth: int = 0, browser: Literal['chromium', 'firefox', 'webkit'] | None = None, device_name: str | None = None, user_agent: str | None = None, proxy: str | dict[str, str] | None = None, general_timeout_in_sec: int | None = None, cookies: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, headers: str | dict[str, str] | None = None, http_credentials: dict[str, str] | None = None, geolocation: dict[str, float] | None = None, timezone_id: str | None = None, locale: str | None = None, color_scheme: str | None = None, viewport: dict[str, int] | None = None, referer: str | None = None, with_favicon: bool = False, allow_tracking: bool = False, rendered_hostname_only: bool = True, force: bool = False, recapture_interval: int = 300, priority: int = 0, uuid: str | None = None) str

Submit a new capture. Pass a typed dictionary or any of the relevant settings, get the UUID.

get_capture(uuid: str, *, decode: Literal[True] = True) CaptureResponse
get_capture(uuid: str, *, decode: Literal[False]) CaptureResponseJson

Get the the capture, with the screenshot and downloaded file decoded to bytes or base64 encoded.

get_capture_status(uuid: str) CaptureStatus

Get the status of the capture.

is_busy() bool

Check if the instance is busy.

property is_up: bool

Test if the given instance is accessible

redis_up() dict[str, Any]

Check if redis is up and running

status() dict[str, Any]

Get the status of the instance.